100 East Pratt Street, 18th Floor
Baltimore, MD 21202
P: 410 685 6655
233 South Wacker Drive, Suite 4400
Chicago, Illinois 60606
P: 312 625 4747
E: info@designcollective.com
Architecture, planning, interiors, landscape architecture, and graphics. We are a multi-disciplinary and award-winning design firm specializing in the following sectors.
Focusing on specific expertise areas, regardless of discipline, allows us to look at each project holistically, through multiple lenses, and provides our clients with added value through direct access to the best and most appropriate design resources for their specific projects. Our principals and senior staff are at the forefront of design and technical innovation for living, learning, and working environments.
Through a rigorous, interactive design process, we collaborate with our K-12 and higher education clients to develop campus plans and architecture, which support their distinctive mission and strategic objectives. Our campus plans celebrate the physical setting and campus culture unique to each institution. Our campus buildings are expressive of the high aspirations of each institutional client. We have developed an extensive portfolio of state-of-the-art academic, science and technology, student life and housing projects, which is a testament to our ability to provide continued client satisfaction. View All Education Projects
Our science and technology facilities are designed to be efficient, flexible, and easily adaptable to meet new challenges in technology, research methodologies, and instructional pedagogy. Our designs recognize that complex interaction and extended learning can be achieved by proper organization of space. We encourage the integration of found spaces to foster spontaneous collaboration and cross pollination of students and faculty minds. The result is enhanced discovery and innovation. Our designs reflect the unique balance between the technical and behavioral needs of users recognizing that truly successful architecture responds to both. View All Life Science & Research Projects
Our student housing projects are designed to be an integral and meaningful part of the student's living-learning environment. As a national leader in the planning and design of student housing, we understand the specific needs of today's students. We have established models to successfully integrate their needs with the mission, culture, context, and economics of each college and university. Whether it is undergraduate or graduate accommodations, rural or urban settings, on or off campus sites, our student housing projects have garnered wide acclaim from those that inhabit them. View All Student Housing Projects
Design and planning for urban residential buildings continues to be challenged by ever-changing demands of lifestyle expectations, physical land use constraints, developer and financial expectations, and by local and national market trends. Our buildings are not conceived in isolation: they physically and visually connect the residents and community, introduce ground floor uses (retail and/or amenity space) that "activate the street," include studied massing that complements the urban context, and comprise carefully composed facades, whether traditional or contemporary, that are designed in response to the local urban fabric. View All Residential & Mixed-Use Projects
Our planning and urban design practice is focused on downtown districts, station area plans and TOD, urban and neighborhood revitalization, aging commercial corridors, and urban mixed-use developments, with a particular expertise in public participatory planning processes, charrettes, and design guidelines. Many of our planning projects have won prestigious awards from ULI, CNU, AIA, APA, and numerous other national and international organizations. Working with both public sector agencies and private developers, we aspire to create memorable and award-winning places through a meaningful and collaborative design approach. View All Planning & Urban Design Projects
Today's competitive world is moving at a rapid pace. Changes in the marketplace, technology, workforce and environment are impacting how we view and utilize the workplace. Successful workplace environments must accommodate these changes and anticipate future ones without losing sight of the employer's mission, culture and bottom line. Today's workplace environments are challenged to promote employee communications, collaboration, innovation, productivity, efficiency and well-being. The firm has extensive experience meeting the challenges necessary to create successful workplace environments for corporate clients. View All Workplaces Projects
We're rethinking the spaces that bring people together. Designing more than 1.5 million SF of retail space each year, our portfolio is composed of neighborhood centers, town centers, main street retail, specialty retail centers, regional malls, and mixed-use urban entertainment centers. Retail, where incorporated into mixed-use developments, must carefully consider the dynamic relationships that arise from integrating uses. Our experience in retail, together with our residential, office and mixed-use planning, affords us the ability to carefully synthesize potential issues and develop creative, implementable and practical solutions to all of our projects. View All Retail & Entertainment Projects
Well-conceived cultural and tourism facilities may also spark urban revitalization. Traditionally, cultural projects have been introverted to safeguard artifacts. Yet, we have been successful at orienting the public, non-artifact related functions of the institution toward city streets and pedestrian sidewalks. This extroverted urban paradigm benefits both the institution and the host city through increased visibility, patronage and street level activity. View All Civic & Cultural Projects
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