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Back to Portfolio Towson Area Site Assessment Studies

Baltimore County Public Schools

Location Towson, Maryland

Assessments evaluating site constraints, building limitations, and anticipated additional student capacity at various sites.

Design Collective was engaged by the Baltimore County Public Schools (BCPS) to study various options for increasing the student capacity in the Towson area, to alleviate severe overcrowding. Design Collective studied the sites of six existing school campuses to determine the viability of additions to the existing buildings.

The assessments evaluated site constraints, building limitations, and anticipated additional student capacity at each site. The study also included the potential for an independent new school to be constructed on a shared campus with the existing Ridge Ruxton School, which was the final decision by BCPS. Design Collective was again retained by BCPS to design this new school, West Towson Elementary School.



Project Type

Campus Plan


Campus Plan

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