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Back to Portfolio Baltimore Visitor Center

Location Baltimore, Maryland

The Baltimore Visitor Center is the first project implemented from the West Shore/Rash Field master plan.

The West Shore/Rash Field master plan addresses the underutilized southern half of Baltimore's renowned Inner Harbor.  To maximize vehicular and pedestrian visibility, the Visitor Center site is located on the south edge of the proposed Conway Street "gateway" plaza.  The building provides information and orientation services to Baltimore's 11 million visitors annually and promotes tourism and economic development opportunities for Baltimore City and the State of Maryland.

The review committee, composed of 17 state and city officials, established four project imperatives:

  • maximize visibility from multiple vantage points addressing 11 million annual visitors
  • optimize accessibility from diametrically opposite promenade and Light Street facades
  • aesthetically, create a building that looks like a "Baltimore building"
  • create critical adjacencies between high traffic public spaces and lower traffic support spaces

Project Details

Project Cost $4,800,000
Square Footage 8,000



Project Type

New Construction



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