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Back to Portfolio State Center

Ekistics, LLC

Location Baltimore, Maryland

State Center is an obsolete, 28-acre government office complex developed in the 1960's as part of an urban renewal plan that includes a Metro Station, a Light Rail Station, a Central Utility Plant, and 1.5M SF of aging state office buildings. The CNU-award winning master plan recommends complete transformation into a vibrant, mixed-use, higher density district that includes demolition, new construction and adaptive reuse, smaller pedestrian-scaled blocks, a central square, and a retail core that links the two transit stations. The master plan and accompanying Design Guidelines, including a Community Benefits Agreement (Implementation Plan), calls for 6.5M square feet of mixed use. The plan received unanimous city, Planning Commission, UDARP, and community approval as a result of an intense, community-driven public planning process. The master plan's Sustainability Action Plan calls for LEED Silver buildings, high performance building systems, a district-wide green infrastructure plan, and "green & healthy" guidelines for future residents and commercial and retail tenants.

Project Details

Square Footage 1,500,000
Acreage 28.0
Units 2000
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