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Back to Portfolio Forbes Avenue Housing

Duquesne University | Radnor Property Group

Location Pittsburgh, PA

Partners Indovina Associates Architects - Architect of Record

Located at the Intersection of Forbes Avenue and Magee Street, the proposed Forbes Avenue Housing Project is designed as a 13-storied building to accommodate roughly 250 apartment style units/ 550 beds to serve Duquesne University’s undergraduate and graduate students. The ground floor, with the main entrance off a courtyard space set along Forbes Avenue, is comprised of a mix of uses all focused on fostering collaboration and communication. Upper levels are dedicated to residential units mixed in with double-height student lounges and study spaces. Common spaces such as fitness, community kitchen, game room, TV lounge (catering to the younger undergraduate students), a large flex space and mid-size study/ collaboration space (catering to graduate students) will be provided as amenities. Entry courtyard/ plaza with programmable spaces and a pocket park between this building and the University Power Center will be provided as public/ outdoor amenities. The project is scheduled for Fall 2024 occupancy.

Project Details

Beds 550
Units 250
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