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Back to Portfolio Largo Town Center


Location Largo, Maryland

The Largo Town Center Sector Plan includes approximately 713 acres of land, with 208 acres of which are vacant, surface parking or underdeveloped. A primary goal of the master plan is to revitalize the area surrounding the Largo Town Center Metro Station โ€“ with a focus on transforming an existing suburban shopping center, office park, and auto-oriented development into a denser, mixed-use, and walkable transit-oriented environment.

The master plan process included 4 public workshops, each building upon the previous, with presentations followed by roundtable discussions. Participants were asked to mark-up base maps, evaluate picture icon cards of “preferred Development Scenarios,” evaluate 3-D Sketch-Up models that depicted development mass, scale, and height, and assist the planning team in defining overall goals and objectives. Key plan goals, developed with public input during these workshops, included 1) increasing the street network to create a pattern of small, walkable blocks; 2) encouraging higher densities and taller, mixed-use buildings closest to transit and transitioning in scale to existing neighborhoods; 3) adding meaningful public open spaces to support events and activities; and 4) creating a more robust multi-modal transportation system that would enable road diets and conversion of 1-way streets to 2-way.

Project Details

Acreage 713.0
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