100 East Pratt Street, 18th Floor
Baltimore, MD 21202
P: 410 685 6655
233 South Wacker Drive, Suite 4400
Chicago, Illinois 60606
P: 312 625 4747
E: info@designcollective.com
After completing Eastside Bond with The Mosites Company, DCI began master plan visioning for the 1.5 mile long Riverfront 47 site, transforming this steel recycling brown field into a vibrant inter-modal waterfront community.
Returning the water's edge to its natural riparian state, a linear public park reclaims public access and amenities to the Allegheny River's marinas and abundant recreation. Along this spine, 750K SF of market rate, affordable, artist, and senior multi-family housing and town homes complement 250K SF of commercial and retail programming. Designed as an inter-modal node connecting to the CBD, express bus routes, the cycling Heritage Trail, and water taxi service will limit automobile use, while the riverfront park encourages a biophilic-inspired lifestyle of health and wellness.
Our Urban Design, Landscape, and Architecture studios are collaborating with local community council members and non-profit groups to deliver Phase 1's landscape, road, and utility infrastructure to the site in 2021, and are actively designing Phase 1's multifamily communities.
Example searches: LEED, interiors, "Design Collective", etc.
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