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Back to Portfolio Holloway Hall

Salisbury University

Location Salisbury, Maryland

Holloway Hall was the first building to be built on the campus for Salisbury University occupying a prominent position that connects the University to its early history. Named after the University’s first president, William J. Holloway, the building initially housed academic and advisory processes. Since then, Holloway Hall strayed away from exclusive academic activity and now houses the University's administrative offices and an Auditorium to support the Music and Theatre Department.

Within its walls Holloway houses two grand ornate venues, The Great Hall and a 776-seat auditorium. Design Collective was selected to perform a full-scale renovation of the auditorium including replacements and repairs to seating, flooring, walls, ceilings, lighting and audiovisual systems.

The renovation focused on the Auditorium and the back-of-house support systems. The project involved the demolition of the existing theater lighting, sound and electrical systems as well as the existing seating and finishes. Equipment rigging was replaced around the stage, a state-of-the-art lighting and a new sound control system was installed, along with a new screen and HD projector. The space also features a sound booth and ticket booth within the space.

Construction took place in the historic core of the campus while the building was occupied. The result is a state-of-the-art theater that celebrates the historic fabric of the building and campus.

Project Details

Project Cost $2,800,000
Square Footage 14,800
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