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Back to Portfolio Hanover Parkview

The Hanover Company

Location Houston, TX

Anchoring the mixed-use masterplan, a three-phase plan to build a total of 1,450 residential units, 350,000 square feet of Class A office space and 100,000 square feet of retail space, Hanover Parkview fronts a large urban park, activating street frontage with over 20,000 SF of shopping and dining. 

Oversized balconies provide shaded outdoor space overlooking the central green, while a signature brise-soleil shades the clubhouse’s sky deck and adjacent penthouse terraces.  To enhance public pedestrian movement across the neighborhood, a series of public portals slice through the project, allowing the public to engage the center courtyard’s pool deck.  Borrowing from the brise-solieil, a grand trellis anchors portal views through the site, providing welcoming active uses and lighting at the heart of the project.  These public pass-throughs are flanked by signature retail & restaurant uses allowing covered dining and intimate gathering spaces in the evening, as well as a respite from the daytime sun.

Hanover Parkview’s design builds upon Design Collective’s growing expertise in load-bearing light gauge metal stud construction, with 6 levels atop a 2 level podium, wrapping and concealing the precast concrete garage structure.  This was a cost-efficient solution to achieve over 420 units on a compact site, while sizing the courtyard with ideal proportions and solar access within the 8 story structure.

Slated to open in 2022, Hanover Parkview is DCI’s second multifamily partnership in Texas with Hanover, after “The George” opened in Fort Worth in early 2021. It is Design Collective’s 13th multi-family project across the country in a 18 year relationship with The Hanover Company.  

Project Details

Square Footage 672,500
Units 421
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