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Back to Portfolio EastSide Bond

The Mosites Company

Location Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Eastside Bond is a revitalizing mixed-use T.O.D. located at the renovated East Liberty transit stop.  The Mosites Company challenged DCI with locating 50,000sf or retail, 350 apartments, & 12,000sf of amenity space on the final parcel of a decade-long 3-phase development.  Directly adjacent to two heavy freight lines, and Pittsburgh's rapid transit busway, the solution was to conceal a linear 570 space garage into the site's slope, with 3 bridge-linked podium buildings on top, reconnecting the street grid and site lines.  Simultaneous Planning, Landscape, and Architectural design ensured a seamless approach to pedestrian connectivity, maximizing retail value and frontage through a series of interconnected landscape spaces.

Project Details

Project Cost $100,244,517
Square Footage 685,000
Height 6 Story
Units 360
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