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Back to Portfolio Hampton Park

Velocity Capital LLC

Location Largo, Maryland

The detailed site plan for Hampton Park proposes over 24 acres of mixed-use development to replace an underutilized shopping center in Capitol Heights, Maryland. The site will be characterized by walkable streets, sidewalks, park spaces, interconnected blocks, and high-quality architecture. At the heart of the development will be a large community space that is anchored by a retail pavilion and open lawn. Surrounding and activating this space will be a range of uses, including 115,000 sf of office, over 85,000 sf of retail, a 125 room hotel, and over 250 units of residential apartments. Hampton Park boasts a quality of development that will promote future development in Prince George's County while offering an innovative place to live, work, and visit.


Project Details

Project Cost $15,000,000
Square Footage 105,000
Height 6 Story
Acreage 24.0
Units 250
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